

Here you will find the full guide and roadmap to running a Values and Behaviours review or creation for your company.

But not just ANY guide - one combining my years of experience, cutting through the fluff and generics to create something truly impactful and useful 🥳


✨ Inspired by the following video 🫠


🛣️ The Roadmap

Duration: 4 weeks to Version 1, then ongoing iteration Tools: AI (me!), Google Docs (for founder questions), Miro (team session), Notion (report)


Week 1: Founder Vision Unlock


Create a thoughtful questionnaire for founders/leaders to explore the core values of our organization. Include questions that:
- Uncover the founding story and original motivation
- Identify what makes our approach distinctive
- Explore the behaviors we want to encourage and discourage
- Examine what success looks like beyond financial metrics
- Reveal the non-negotiable principles we would defend even at a cost

Format this as 10-12 open-ended questions that encourage reflection and specific examples rather than abstract concepts. Include brief instructions for completion.




Week 2: Team Engagement Session


Design a collaborative Miro board template for a team values workshop with the following elements:
1. A welcome section explaining the purpose and process
2. A section displaying the founder themes identified (without calling them "values" yet)
3. An individual reflection exercise where team members can add sticky notes about:
   - Stories that exemplify our organization at its best
   - Behaviors they've witnessed that should be celebrated
   - Principles they believe should guide decision-making
4. A grouping exercise with clear instructions for categorizing similar themes
5. A voting mechanism for identifying resonant concepts
6. A section for articulating value statements based on the prioritized themes

Include visual elements, clear instructions for each activity, and time estimates. The board should accommodate 5-25 participants.


Miro Values



Week 3: Synthesis & Draft


Analyze the following raw output from our values workshop and the founder documents[paste all notes, stories, voted themes].

Create a synthesis that:
1. Identifies the 5-7 strongest recurring themes
2. Groups the supporting stories and behaviors under each theme
3. Highlights points of consensus and any notable tensions
4. Proposes draft value statements that capture each theme authentically
5. Suggests 3-5 specific behaviors that would demonstrate each value in action
6. Add in examples, positive and negative of these in action
7. Suggest recruitment questions
8. Use the attached format document, ensuring length, syntax and approach is the same <> 

Format this as a structured report with clear sections, preserving direct quotes from participants where they powerfully illustrate a concept.


Check out where we have gotten to now

FinEdge Values



Week 4: Founder Review and testing


Create 5-7 realistic but challenging scenarios our organization might face that would test our draft values. For each scenario:
1. Describe a specific situation requiring a decision
2. Explain why this would create tension or competing priorities
3. Ask how our draft values would guide us in this situation
4. Include perspectives from different stakeholders (customers, team members, community)

Focus on scenarios relevant to our industry and stage. Make these concrete enough that they prompt meaningful discussion rather than theoretical debates.


Value-Testing Scenarios for FinEdge

FinEdge Values
